Year of the Dog's Weblog

Archive for the ‘art’ Category

Here’s the deal. I have a job now. I’m working for a major fast food company as a over qualified expert. I know it sounds great huh? It’s like when a garbageman calls himself a waste management technician. I’ll be honest. I work a pizza place a driver. I know. Sounds depressing. It is, but it pays the bills for now. There’s not much call for English majors. I’m still writing my manuscript to my first book, but when I say writing I really mean. I don’t do anything for a week or so and then I pound out a couple of pages and try to remember my characters’s names and attributes. I’m not the best writer, but I do enjoy it more than carting pizzas to the morbidly obese.

The time is very late. I should be in bed dreaming about beautiful asian women, but I’m here writing to you. I finished handwriting chapter five of my book. I was going to start on Chapter 6 today. It didn’t happen. I had to do laundry, fix myself something to eat ( grilled cheese doesn’t make its self.) and fail to beat level 49 on Soul Calibur 4 about a million times. So I’ve been doing some thinking about what I should write for this chapter. When I last left of with my character an emergency alarm had sounded and she was escorted out of the mess hall by a friendly MP. Now I’m thinking that one of the aliens has escaped. From there I don’t have much. Maybe she will be taken to the security room. Perhaps she will come across the alien on the way there.

My next thought is about my book is this. I don’t think that I have enough poetic description in it. I feel like I don’t have anything that will grab people like I was when I read “The Road” or “Of Mice and Men.” I have some metaphors, similes, feelings, and sensory descriptions, but nothing surreal like mummified corpses in doorways glaring at you or golden sunlight shimmering on the water like the tails of a thousand phoenixes. You get my drift, right? Anyway, I’m finding it difficult to poeticize an underground military compound.  Poeticize is a word. Look it up. Don’t make me speechify, also a word.  Do you have any suggestions on how I can write some poetic prose about a military base?

The other day I had the pleasure of visiting a Japanese castle in Kitakyushu, Fukuoka. The place is called Kokura castle. It was built in 1959 – several years after WWII. The ancient castle is equipped with flat-screen TVs, vending machines, a gift shop, costum cut-outs for picture taking, and animatronic puppets, a foot race game that looks similar to the DDR games, and it is the only castle I know that comes complete with wheelchair-lifts at every staircase.  You don’t feel completely immersed in Japanese history when you visit Kokura castle, but it is a good way to spend an afternoon if you have some time to kill. I’d say the best thing about the castle is the view from the observation deck. Plus, it’s right next to the mall.

Kokura Castle mote  Kokura Castle  Animatronic figures at Kokura Castle  View from the top of Kokura Castle

I’ve been really getting into making posters recently. I hope you enjoy my new creations.A girl standing at the bus stop at Sumiyoshi in Fukuoka, Japan

This is a girl who was standing at a bus stop near Sumiyoshi in Fukuoka, Japan.

This is a picture of Yakuin in Fukuoka, Japan.

This is a picture of Yakuin in Fukuoka, Japan.

If you like my art please visit my shop

If you would like to make a small donation in appreciation of my artwork please click

Where are the monies? When am I going to get the monies? And so on and so forth… I love the Simpsons. Here are some of my new pieces. If you like them you can buy posters at my shop.  Also if you appreciate my artwork and would like to donate please click here:


 City life in Japan

City Life in Fukuoka Japan

A couple at a gyoza restaurant in Japan

A couple at a gyoza restaurant in Tenjin


OK so I was out and about the other day in Fukuoka city and I was feeling like I should be doing something. So I snapped a bunch of photos and took lots of sketches of people and things in the big city. I thought you might like to see a few of them so please take a look.

  Two Japanese girls at a cafe in Japan


A red sushi latern

Homeless Japanese man puttering along


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