Year of the Dog's Weblog

Pros and Cons of Working for OWLS

Posted on: March 18, 2008

Tonight I just got the details about my new contract. Here it is verbatim:

“We would like you to work in Mukanata next school year.
Your schools are Kato JHS, Kato ES and Genkai ES. You can walk to Kato JHS and ES from Akama station. To get to Genkai ES you can take bus from Togo station.
232,000 yen per month is provided except for August. So is transportation expenses up to 15,000 yen per month.
We will show you the actual contract at the meeting on 24th.
If you have some questions, please contact me.”
Con: Here is what is wrong with this contract. First they gave me a school that is really far away. It is so far in fact that there aren’t that many regular buses to catch. If I miss the one bus that I need I will be late and I will be docked half a day’s pay. I’m not late very often, but if circumstances should arise I don’t believe I should be docked half a day’s pay when legal according Japanese labor standards the max they are allowed to dock is a maximum of %10 of a days pay. Just another way they try to stick it to foreigners because most are unfamiliar with the laws here in Japan. Next I asked for a raise of 10,000 yen. It is a fairly standard raise in Japan for completing a contract, but of course they didn’t give it to me. Also we don’t get bonuses. Everyone who works at the public schools in Japan gets a bonus, except us foreigners. Some bonuses in Japan can be as high as 5 months worth of pay and as low as 2 months worth of pay. Not too shabby for Japanese employees. You also notice in the e-mail I was sent that we don’t get paid for the month of August. The board of education pays my company OWLS for that month, but it just collects the money and tells us that we don’t get paid then, because there is no work, but this is a lie on their part. This a common practice at this company I work at. Anything to squeeze a dime out of us.  There is no chance for promotion in my company and no chance for any significant kind of raise. Something else I just found out this morning. As you’ll notice in the letter there is a 15,000 cap or travel expenses. Well we have to fill out a travel expense form every month. The board of education pays OWLS for all our travel expenses. There is no limit. Whatever we fill out on the form OWLS gets paid. Basically OWLS is getting everything over 15,000 yen.  I had a friend who had to pay nearly 40,000 yen to commute to his schools. He was only reimbursed for 15,000 yen and OWLS gets 25,000. Sounds pretty shady to me. We have monthly meetings and if we don’t attend them, we are docked 4,000 yen. However we don’t get paid anything for attending them after our regular working ours. And don’t even get me started on paid and unpaid holidays with this company. Don’t try and take a day off without filling out a form first. Even in cases of family emergencies. A friend who works at the company told me that a friend of his died and he wanted to attend the funeral. The company had the nerve to ask who died and they wanted some kind of proof. It’s not any business of theirs. A personal day is a personal day.
PRO: The kids and the teachers at the schools are very nice and you can have many interesting experiences working in Japanese public schools. You get public holidays and weekends off. You can improve your Japanese by working in a Japanese environment.
It’s not a very enticing deal for me anymore. I originally signed with this company because I was desperate for a job because my former company, NOVA, went bankrupt and I had to make rent on my new place. Now that I’m settled in my place and earned the level 2 of the Japanese language proficiency test, I don’t think I need to stay with this company. And if anyone from my company is reading this, you most definitely understand why. It’s time for me to move onto bigger and better things. I will make something of myself. There are opportunites in Japan for those who are willing to go after them.
Pleae take a look at my online shop at

10 Responses to "Pros and Cons of Working for OWLS"

Hey Danny! Keep ur head up buddy ole pal!! **Lame** No, really…good things happen to good people!

I’m with ya. &&& I didn’t know that the company took the travel expenses above 15,000yen. I am not surprised in any way that they’re doing underhanded bullshit to make more money but still that’s just fucking rotten. It’s pretty awful cuz I know guys in the company commuting really far every day and they pay the difference out of pocket.

I agree with your pros about the job, the students and teachers are the only things that save me from madness.

I have been with the company for a year, finish on Tuesday. First of all, met some great students and even a few nice teachers (none male) and was treated well by the schools
(except for the shoddy timetables!) So all up i shouldnt complain, but i will anyway.

Now the company OWLS, jesus christ what a pack of assholes. I had 2 sick/leave days in a year and i was threatened with the sack both times. Once to attend a funeral, and they indeed asked me for ALL the details, which I didnt give of course, hence the threat came. The next with the Flu this January. I was to sick to even get out of bed and attend hospital and get a doctors note. So they didnt believe i was ill, wouldnt pay the days leave, then threatened me with the sack again if i wasnt at school the next day. I have a hundred more things to tell anyone contemplating signing with the company. Just keep looking and explore your options (seriously dont sign!)

Sorry for more bad news mate but word from the president of the Fukuoka Union is that they got 41% of our salary as well.

I know I’m extremely late to this discussion board but, I used to work for Interac last year and this year I’m working for OWLS. Let me just say that yes, this company sucks ass!!!
They’re a total pack of assholes! And they bug the hell out of you too! ALL of my schools are REALLY far away. I wake up at 5:30am EVERYDAY. AND for one of my schools there’s no bus that goes there so I have to walk there. For the other schools there’s only one bus that I can catch and if I miss those buses, the next bus comes two hours later.
For the month of April my travel expenses were nearly 40,000 yen, however, I’ll only see 15,000 of that. Altough all of these ALT companies here get over on us foreigners, I wish I was back with Interac!
I only signed with OWLS out of a need to pay the bills.

However, if you’re not pressed for cash, DON’T sign with OWLS!!!!!

Not too sure about this company myself. It seems they offer some people five paid holidays and others 10. Not that it matters, because they give you hell before ever actually letting you take a day off.

A lot depends on your coordinator, though. If you have a good coordinator it can make your experience with OWLS much better.

I have heard they try keeping some of your salary, too, if you quit before your contract expires. Not sure if it’s true or not, though. Any confirmation?

They have misinformed, misrepresented information, or broken labour laws and standards concerning the following issues: paid holidays, withholding final pay, health insurance options, fines for contract cancellation, company arranged apartment expenses, non-renewal of contracts, and no salary for the month of August.

They want you to sign an agreement which says they get $1200 of your salary if you quit early. Highly illegal and is easily fixed up if you are in a Union. Talking to the Fukuoka Union priesident Chris Flynn recently he is very familiar with OWLS and how they f people over.

I havent heard much praise from fellow workmates regarding thier coordinator. Seems they all just spew the same old company bs.

What schools in Kyushu would you recommend working for, in terms of fairness etc?

I don’t know of any that haven’t done someone wrong. Chat with people on gaijinpot or on Fukuoka Now. I’ve been away from Japan for almost a year now.

Tiis is worth a read if, even after reading the Dog Blog, you are still thinking of working for this company.

OWLS dispatch company ordered to repay illegal salary deductions to twenty teachers

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